Medical Device Industry News
Management Recruiters of Gastonia North help keep medical device professionals tuned to the latest industry news by providing access to the latest in technologies and breakthroughs, as well as resources for both clients and candidates.
Who, What, Where, When, and Why? The 5 guideposts of a short story.
As med device engineering recruiters, we can be challenged by some very difficult needs. Recently a new client had a requirement for someone with highly developed laser-cutting skills. The challenge was to recruit a person with skills in textiles and a med device engineering background. At Management Recruiters of Gastonia, we look at these challenges…
Survey: Employer Concessions & Hiring in a Tight Candidate Market
The MRINetwork Performance Management Study is the result of a survey conducted among 220 hiring authorities and nearly 200 candidates across the U.S. The purpose of the study is to assess strategies that hiring authorities are leveraging to attract and retain talent vs. what employees and candidates want employers to prioritize. Hiring authority and candidate attitudes…
Connecting to the ever-connected: Making millennials happy at work
June 29, 2018 The Economic Survey 2013-2014 purported that by 2021, 64% of the working population in India would be within the 20-35 age group making India the youngest country. What at the time of the survey must have felt like the fairly distant future is now close at hand. Companies across the globe seem…