It’s all about the relationship
Recruiting can make you weary, but once in a while, a client or candidate or both will surprise you – making you feel good about the business you’re in; and putting a smile in your heart.
This story has nothing to do with a fee but everything to do with a candidate that really wanted a job. The candidate really wanted to go to work for the hiring authority (HA) and truly liked the company. He interviewed for a position we all knew he didn’t have the specific credentials for, but he had enough background in that side of the business that he could learn the role pretty easily.
The problem: the client didn’t have time for him to learn, so the client passed.
When HR came back to us and said that the HA was hoping to get approval on another position our candidate would “be perfect for”, I felt like was single again, and on the receiving end of “It’s not you, it’s me”.
The candidate’s despondence was palpable. Nothing we could say, including our desire to help him find something else, would assuage his disappointment.
We gave it time, called him to make sure he didn’t want to shoot the messenger and we were quickly laughing with one another again.
Then to our surprise, the client called back in two weeks. The new job had been approved and the client asked if our candidate was still available??!!!
Our candidate interviewed, was offered and accepted the new job and he is as happy as can be for all the reasons we gave you earlier.
So happy, in fact, he sent us a box containing …
#mrgnmedicaldevice #relationships #recruiting #doyouloveyourrecruiter