Is Traffic a Good Thing?

A few days ago, Susan and I were talking about traffic. What does traffic have to do with our business you might ask? Everything! You see what we noticed was the volume of traffic; it has gone up significantly in the last several weeks – a clear indication that people are getting back out again.…

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Is the US Industrial Economy Growing?

Is the US Industrial Economy Growing? As I’ve gotten older the phrase “Talking Heads” is much more informed than it was in my younger years. It’s tiresome because almost every single, trusted source for information has become a talking head and to say I’m gobsmacked by that would be an understatement. Today almost all of…

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Real Economic News

I don’t seek out “good” economic news but when it comes my way, I don’t run from it. How Does Population Impact Recovery? Population drives an economy and in NC our population, as of 2018, was 10.38 million people. Compare that to the big 3 metros; Chicago 9.9 million, Los Angeles 13.31 million, and New…

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Look for the Wringing Hands

I love med device start-ups, I always have. More years ago than I’d like to admit, I was so enamored of them that I’d chase business from anyone using the ‘start-up’ moniker but it didn’t take me long to figure out the error of that infatuation. Don’t misunderstand me, I still love start-ups. We do…

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More about COVID? Aargh!

It’s funny if you listen to news, watch it, or get all your news by reading; the variety of COVID impacts we get from that news is almost boundless. What we never hear about is how the virus effects industry at the core of their processes. And when I say industry I’m speaking, of course…

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Are you tired of bad data/bad news? Me too, so here’s some good news from good data

I just realized while reading through another White Paper on COVID how anybody with opposable thumbs can write and/or say anything they want to say about anything. It’s true and if you want proof; count the number of times you hear someone say “Just Google it” in the next 7 days. Why? The phrase has…

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The Impact of an Aging Population on the Med Device Space

I’m in the +65-age category and, if you’re like me, you are tired of hearing anecdotes. Here are some facts. There are roughly 331,000,000 US residents today 1 and nearly 17% of those are 65 years of age or older. This segment of the population is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 3.1%…

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Validation & Verification are never a lost art

One of my favorite sources for Technical Data specifically related to Quality is Master Control. They are prolific but their stuff is always good, very timely, and applicable to anyone in the Device world. Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about the two V’s, Validation and Verification, and if I’m hearing a lot about it…

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