Have you considered COL?

Many candidates will consider relocation which is fantastic and opens a lot of options for them to find the ideal new next opportunity! One of the first things we discuss is Cost of Living (COL) and Salary Expectations, particularly if a high COL is on either end of the decision. If they’re thinking about a…

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It’s all about the relationship

Recruiting can make you weary, but once in a while, a client or candidate or both will surprise you – making you feel good about the business you’re in; and putting a smile in your heart.  This story has nothing to do with a fee but everything to do with a candidate that really wanted…

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Too many Economists make the economy too complicated

In my lifetime, finding someone to talk about the economy in simple language has not been easy.   Their economic indicators often feel like a euphemism for “we don’t know what we’re talking about”; their acronyms more complicated than a radar chart; and their inability to say anything good, frustrating.    Not so with the folks…

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