Archive for June 2018
2018 Reputation Management Study
In March-April, we conducted the 2018 MRINetwork Reputation Management Survey, asking candidates/employers across the U.S., to assess the importance of employer brand strength, social media profiles and the overall evaluation of each candidate’s personal brand, to determine how these factors impact the hiring process. Companies and candidates were represented from a variety of industries. 2018…
Read MoreConnecting to the ever-connected: Making millennials happy at work
June 29, 2018 The Economic Survey 2013-2014 purported that by 2021, 64% of the working population in India would be within the 20-35 age group making India the youngest country. What at the time of the survey must have felt like the fairly distant future is now close at hand. Companies across the globe seem…
Read MoreInsight: The conundrum of how systems interact
I’ve been in the Medical Device business for a lot of years and every day is a learning experience. Many years ago, I was on a trip with a major client headed to another Contract Manufacturer (that was the business I was in at the time) who was to become a shared supplier. The shop…
Read MoreFirst Friday Preview: June 2018
The Importance of Strong Employer Branding During the Interview: In today’s competitive hiring landscape, companies need a cohesive and well-defined brand to help them stand out from other businesses that are also hoping to attract top talent.
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